Monday 4 April 2011

An Unoriginal Adventure, The Finale

Present Day

I wake up, with an intense throbbing at the side of my head, only to find myself back in the bar. There’s no orgy of fluorescent lights, only the sunlight, bathing the floor, filtering through the glass. There is no hazy smoke, blinding me. The place is drenched in a calm, unruffled repose, interrupted by the clinking of beer mugs. A man walks past me, towards the bar, with a stack of thirty mugs, carrying it effortlessly. It's the bartender from last night. He comes over and says,
"Dude, its me, Gerald. Are you okay? You were lying unconscious out back. Did you get robbed?"
I rifled through my pockets. I could feel the photograph.
"I'm fine, except for this nasty bruise. Nothings been stolen."
I reach for the photograph. I never thought seeing her so happy, would make my heart hurt so much.

I have to see her.
I thank Gerald, and head for the door. This is gonna end today.

'First I've got to find Scarface. He knows where she is. At least I know where he works', I said to myself. I hail a taxi.

Sometime later.....

'A fine dump of a place this is', I mutter to myself, as I look at the deserted streets, with dirty newspapers littered among the conspicuous filth. I look up at the only light in the building, burning brightly. And through the window, I see his partially hidden face. 'That scar is unmistakable'. I pick up the crowbar lying next to the staircase.
I make my way up the stairs. I'm standing outside his door, crowbar in hand.
'I've got to be quick. That's the only advantage I'll have on him.

I burst through the door, rage burning in my eyes. Our eyes meet, and he's shocked, to see me standing at his doorstep. The shock lasts for a second. I rush towards him. He sees me running towards him, gets up from his chair, and I see his hands ball up into giant-sized fists. But he fails to spot the sharp, metal object in my right hand. The crowbar comes crashing down on his head, and he's dazed and falls to his knees. I reign down innumerable blows on his head, until I'm sure that he's passed out. I tie him up in the chair. He wakes up after a while.

"Where is she?", I ask.
"I ain't telling you anything".
"Well, I think I'm gonna have to get creative with you".

I walk behind him, and with a short backswing, stick the crowbar under his right shoulder blade. His screams echo across the room, as I try to pry out his shoulder blade.
"I ain't telling you anything".
I proceed to the other shoulder, but he still doesn't budge. I pick up a couple of pins from the desk. He knows whats coming next. I take his right hand, as he struggles and tries to free himself. I can see the fear in his eyes.

I lift the nail of his index finger, and slowly start shoving the pin in the nail bed. Tears start flowing from his eyes, and he begins to scream for dear life.
"Where is she?", I ask again.
He doesn't have the energy to reply. I move to the middle finger. As soon as I get the pin in, he shouts, 
"Okay, okay, I'll tell you".

Armed with the address, I leave him lying in the chair. As I leave the building, the skies open up and it starts raining.

There, I stood, drenched in the rain, staring at the house. Beyond that door, lies my heart. I look back at the good times we had. How did it come to this, I wondered.
                 I walk towards the house, and knock on the door. She opens the door, looking aghast.
"You! How did you get here?", she enquired with a shocked look on her face.
"Aren't you gonna let me in?", I asked.
She pushed the door open, and stepped back a bit.
"I've come for you".
"I'm not yours to take away. I'm happy here. I'm with someone now. It's over between us".
"I should never have let you go. I made a mistake. Gimme a chance", I said as I stretched my arms out to her.
"Where were you I needed you", she asked angrily. "I waited for you, for so long".
"I know I wasn't there for you. i couldn't be there for you. But I'm here now". I walked towards her and held her in my arms. She resisted at first, but later gave in. "I wanna be with you. I can see it in your eyes, you want to be with me".
"I can't leave him now. I won't do to him, what you did to me".
She pushes me away.
"I'm not leaving with you".
"Then, I'll have to make you leave".

 She moves towards the table next to her, opens the drawer, and brings out a gun.
"Leave, and don't ever come back".
"Do it, pull the trigger. I'm not going anywhere. I'd rather die than be heartbroken. I've lost too much. I've got nothing else to lose".
She raises the gun to my face, her hand steady, and finger on the trigger.
"I love you", I said.

And the next thing I hear was the loud boom of the gun going off, and my body is pushed back, by the force of the bullet. I fall to the floor, and the blood starts gushing out of my head. I see her face for the last time, as the light begins to dim on me.


I can see it now. I can feel everything. The skies are clear, interspersed with a few white clouds. The sound of the waves, almost harmonious, as they crash against the sand, wave after wave. It feels like Nature is trying to send a message, through its music. The rustling of the leaves on the large coconut trees, moving rhythmically with the sea breeze. The shining down on me, and I'm basking in its warm glory. There's no more waiting. There's no more hurting. The pain has gone away. Its been replaced by a feeling of lightness. It feels new to me, but its good. A woman walks towards me.
"Is this taken?", she asks, gesturing to the empty beach chair.
She lays down her towel on the lounger, and sits down next to me.
"What's your name?", I ask.
"Okay Nadia, Would you do me the honor of sharing this wondrous view with me?".

The End...................

Friday 1 April 2011

An Unoriginal Adventure, Part 3

3 Years Ago

There were only two things that could wake me up from my slumber. Flea's bass on 'Around The World' cranked up to the maximum, with a 1000 watt speaker next to my ear. The other would be the sound of her melodious voice whispering sweet nothings in my ear. How things change! Now the only thing that wakes me up is the prison warden, screaming at the top of his voice and the guards banging on the steel bars.

I find myself looking through the window, at the outside world, passing by, while I'm stuck, stuck not just within these four walls, but in a prison of my own. I've withdrawn into myself. I've barely uttered a word in over a year. The inmates ignore me, and the guards find me innocuous. I've had no visitors, because no one knows I'm here.

She must think I'm a spineless jerk to have left her. I never told her I was in prison. I couldn't let her know.It would've been too much for her. It has been exactly six months since that fateful day.

I was flying down the road at 100, each bump flinging the car a few feet in the air. The top was stuck, leaving me battling the rain, which lashed away at my face. The phone started ringing. I could barely make out the sound against the backdrop of the rain hitting the bonnet. It was her. I said I would be there in five. Just as I put the phone on the dashboard, out of nowhere, the boy appeared. I stepped on the brakes, and swerved, but it was too late. Everything went dark before my eyes. I had that sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. I knew things would never be same again. I saw the fear in the boy's eyes. The innocence was lost and replaced by a raw fear, that left him paralyzed.

His eyes flashed before me, again and again. All I could remember were those eyes. I was never the same again. Every second, every minute, I replayed the events in my head. Regretting every moment since then, I've had a recurring nightmare, where I find myself in a dark place, so dark, I can't even see my hand in front of my face. Is this real? Am I dreaming? I feel around in the dark, only to find walls all around me. The walls are closing in on me. I can barely move. I try to push against it. Suddenly, there's a gush of water. Its pouring down from above. I can feel the water on my face. It's getting too much. I can't breathe. I start taking deep breaths, as the water starts getting cold. I can't move my face away from the water.....and then I wake drenched in sweat.

Today was no different, with me waking up with a startle. I carried on with the daily routine, when the guard comes upto me and says that I have a visitor. This left me a bit uneasy, as no one knew I was here. Who could it be? I asked him if he was sure and he responded with a 'Do you think I'm an idiot?' stare.

I walked into the visitors room and there she stood before me, as beautiful as the day I first met her. My stern expression gave way to guilt and remorse. I couldn't look her in the eye. We sat there for over ten minutes, without a word being spoken.
She began,
"Its been 2 years".
"I know".
"You've put me through hell".
"I know, I couldn't let you know".
"I'm leaving you. Don't ever try to find me".
She stood up, and walked away. I sat there, speechless. I didn't know what to say.

My world just got smaller.

to be contd....

Friday 4 March 2011

An Unoriginal Adventure, Part 2

"Is this seat taken?", a sultry voice asks me.
I turn around to find a woman in a petite, red dress, with full, supple lips and green eyes talking to me. She has long, flowing, auburn hair, which covers her ears and runs down her back.

Seconds passed by, and I'm still gazing at her beauty. She matches my gaze, which leaves me flustered. I stumble around in my head, searching for words.

She places herself deftly, in the seat next to me. Recollecting the reasons that brought me here in the first place, I return to my company, the smooth liquor, waiting impatiently, for me to take a sip of its richness.
"What brings you here?", she enquires, in a seductive tone.
"I'm looking for someone"
"Who is she?"
"How did you know it was a woman?"
"It always is!"
"Yes", I replied tersely and looked away disinterested. I downed what was my fourth or fifth drink. I had lost count by now.
"So, tell me about this woman".
"She's me. I'm trying to find her."
The pretty woman, her hair slowly turning red, in the fluorescent lighting of the bar, leans over and whispers in my ear, "I can make you forget about her".
She retreats, taken aback by the curt reply. Clearly, something is wrong with this idiot, for refusing such a wondrous beauty.
"I'm throwing myself at you, and all you can say is, No!"
"You aren't much of a talker".
She gets up and walks away, miffed at the whole episode, and especially because I was behaving like an asshole. The bartender walks over and says, "Dude, She was really into you". I nod and gesticulate towards the empty glass.

I see bodies dancing around me, moving to the trance. My head swoons with booze, everything is hazy before my eyes. The bodies turn into shapes, and the music turns into colors. I begin to sway with the beats. Haven't felt this high in a long time. I let out a smile. Gerard shakes me and asks with genuine regard, "Are u alright, dude?".

"Never been better". I reach into my coat pocket and hand out a few bills. He responds with a smile.

The next thing I remember is making my way through the alley. It seems more deserted than before. The dim lights have faded into oddly shaped specks that float over your field of vision. The shadows have completely taken over.
I hear the sound of footsteps, getting louder and louder. I look to my left, nothing. Look to my right, nothing.
"I've been waiting for you".
Startled at the sound of the voice, I turn around.
The person I've been waiting for, stood in front of me. Clad in the blackest of blacks, with a dark hat, he wore a stern expression. The angle of the hat made sure that only his lower face was visible. A grisly scar ran from his left cheek to his lower lip.
"What took you so long? Did you find what I asked for?"
"Yes". He handed over an envelope.
I opened the envelope, and inside was a photograph. It changed the look on my face. It took me back to a simple time.
There she was, lying next to me, smiling. Her smile would brighten up the darkest of rooms.
"Why are you looking at me like that. Is there something on my face?", she asks innocently.
"I'm just admiring your beauty. I can't look away".
"Stop! You're making me conscious". She buries her face in her hands and rests on my shoulder.

His heavy breathing brings me back to reality. I can't take it anymore. My heart feels heavy. I break down and fall to my knees. Tears start rolling down my eyes. I ask him,
"Where did you get this?".
"I met her. She gave this to me, and asked me to give you a message".
"Forget about her. Don't ever look for her".
With this he swung a fist to my head. I was too drunk to react. I fell to the floor. Slowly, things started getting darker. I could still hear the music playing in the club. It was a faint din. The words echoed in my head for the last time before I passed out.

'All this aching will disappear, when this night is gone. All this aching will disappear, when this night gone...........'

to be contd...

Thursday 3 March 2011

An Unoriginal Adventure

Brrrring.....Brrrrrrrring... I strain a little to hear the vague sound of something ringing....the telephone! I walk over to the desk and pick up the phone. A heavy gruff voice breathes down on the receiver, "6.30, you know the place". Startled, I reply "It's already 5.30. I won't be able to make it. Do you have what I asked for?"

"Yes, Do what you have to do. 6.30". (Click)

As I set the receiver down, my heart started beating faster. I checked the window. Damn! It was snowing. Picking up my overcoat, I left the apartment. The skies were ashen gray, smoke colluding with the snow, and the  sun setting on the ghastly skyline. 'Could this day get any more grimmer'. Steps turned into strides, as I found myself hurtling towards the subway.


I step into the train, and my nostrils are filled with exasperation and evening weariness, while my body is crushed by hairy, sweaty chests while I clutch on to the only vacant handle. The train jerks to a halt at every station, my mind wondering and wandering, wishing and hoping, for time to move faster. I check my watch nervously every 5 minutes, only to find that a minute has elapsed since the last check. The sweat runs off my brow, and onto my lips. It isn't hot at all, and yet I'm sweating. Fidgeting all the while, people around me are getting nervous. It seems my nervousness is infectious.

 The people start looking at a strange, short man wearing a dark overcoat with a beaten down skull cap, staring nervously at his watch. I get more nervous. (Why are they staring at me?). I start sweating profusely.
Suddenly, there is a loud squeaking noise and the speaker bursts to life,

Announcer: "The next station is...."

'Finally...I've reached'

A few of the commuters exchange relieved glances, as I get off the train. I feel relieved too, and take a look at the time.
'Oh! No. "6.25".

I make my way towards the gangway, and lo and behold, hordes of people, mindless drones walking with briefcases, to God knows where. I hobble, fuming, towards the end, shouting in my mind, at the idiots, 'Make way!'. Finally, stripped of restraint, I start pushing people, who respond with "What the hell"s and quizzical looks. I'm looking at my watch all the while.


'Damn! Where the hell is this place?'
I whip out my phone and check the GPS.
'Okay. The arrow is pointing this way'. I take a left and keep running. I glance at the phone again.
'What the hell? Now its pointing the other way'. I throw the phone back into my coat pocket, cursing it all the while.


I arrive at the destination. CRH, Ltd. A dark alley, dimly lit, with long shadows of the corporate building next door, bathes sections of the alley in complete darkness. I thought I saw someone. Or are my eyes playing tricks with me? I knew he couldn't have left. I've almost reached on time. I look around, there's no one. I check my phone, no calls. I walk towards the alley. Out of the corner of my eye, I see smoke, cigarette smoke. I walk towards it. There, I see three men standing, having a laugh, taking drags of the cancer stick. I approach them and ask them if they've seen someone hanging around this place. "No", they utter in grumpy unison. Standing beside them, overhearing the conversation about financial deregulation, and CDO's, I guessed they worked at the office next door.

5 minutes pass. 10 minutes pass. I wonder whether this guy has left already. The smoke from the cancer sticks entices me. 'Oh! Cancer sticks. I crave for thee. I promised someone I wouldn't'. Sometime later, the man extinguishes his cigarette and looks at me, "You should try in there. Someone did go in there", he says pointing to the neon sign. I nod and make my way towards the door. 

As I push past the heavy swinging door, I'm greeted by what could only be described as an angel. A little black dress, off shoulder, with black leather boots. Her hair, tied up in a bunch, with a chopstick nestling in it, with some of her draping over her elegant, lean neck. She looked at me with a knowing gaze and said, "This way, Sir". As I walk through the darkened corridor, with obscene 'modern' art adorning the walls, the growing din of bass is slowly creeping on me.

The smell of heroin, bathed in some cocaine greets me. I'm awestruck at the visual orgy of fluorescent lights, people in tumultuous rapture, and the smoke that has formed a thick layer over the dancing bodies. The bar is relatively empty, I think to myself. The bartender introduces himself, "Gerard, Have a seat. What can I get you"?.
"Whiskey. Straight up"

As I down the drink, the whiskey fills my throat with a warmth and a calm which I thought I'd never achieve.I look up and see Gerard looking at me. A looming shadow covers his face, and someone taps my shoulder.....

to be contd...


Monday 28 February 2011

My Nom De Plume

This is my first foray into blogging....yes,yes...i know...I'm almost 15 years late.

Voices inside my head: You're too late!!! The blog revolution is over.

Me: Yes, I know. It's just something i wanted to try.

 Well, things I generally like to "try" end up being 5-year plans with abstemious budgeting followed by some more cost-cutting with eventual ending-up-sitting-on-my-arse, and moving on to my next "thing to do". So we have established that I'm lazy...well from here its all downhill!

Moving on...I decided that I'd try and get this laziness off my back, and begin with something simple....A blog...about nothing! Right on cue, the planning begins with elaborate ideas of writing in a journal, editing my notes, coming up with something so brilliant that it knocks the socks off everyone....And here I am a few weeks later just typing on a PC, with no journals, no colorful pens, absolutely no editing and the ideas were the first thing outta the window.

So, expect a lot of grammatical errors and of course zero substance and OBVIOUSLY this is not a daily thing. And I'm definitely not flipping through The Saurus for 'em "big words"(Yes, I like to place 2 rabbits in between a lot of words).

To begin this blog I thought I'd start with a simple task...My Nom De Plume or 'Pen Name' because I think its cool (that's how lame I am). I needed something that I can relate to, something that I can identify with, something that shouts out "Oh! This is so totally Me"
                                         Voices inside my head: Dude, You're being redundant!
                                          Me: Yea, I know...What a genius way to fill up some pages!

 (Genius At Work) (Voices inside my head: Seriously, stop kidding yourself)
Eventually (after lazying around for a few minutes) i come up with a few names. They combine my closest friend (laziness), and the fact that I have a big arse.
L.B. Arse (Lazy Big Arse)
Major P. Arse (Major Payne in the Arse) Note to self:Not my brightest moment!
L.B. McArse
Honestly speaking....even this was too lame for me. Fortunately, the Voices-inside-my head took over while I enjoyed my favorite past-time (staring) and I finally came up with
                                         Don Ugo D'Artagnan Egghead

for short........................................D.U.D.E.

And that's pretty much all I have to yap about today.